
Liste non exhaustive (non-exhaustive list)

  • C. Fruchard Muller, JC. Domenget, S. Sagot (2024). Intégration des intelligences artificielles génératives (IAG) dans un dispositif de formation au SEO : vers une amélioration de la littératie numérique?“ Colloque scientifique Ludov’IA, Yverdon-les-Bains, Suisse.
  • JC., Domenget, C. Fruchard Muller, S. Sagot (2024) The pedagogical and ethical issues involved in using IAG as an educational resource. The case of SEO, Ticemed14, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Zine, B., Labiod, C., Srairi, K., Benmouna, A., Becherif, M., Khechekhouche, A., ... & Naoui, M. (2024). Real-Time Analysis for Enhancement of Photovoltaic Panel Efficiency and Quality. Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(3), 775-790. [Impact factor: 5.64, H-index: 26]
  • Ballouk, H., Nammouri, H., Ben Jabeur, S., Khalfaoui, R. (2024). Entrepreneurial firm creation and economic uncertainty: an explainable artificial intelligence approach. Venture Capital. 1-18. https://10.1080/13691066.2024.2410735. [FNEGE:4, ABS: 2, Impact Factor: 2.8, H-Index: 64]
  • Ballouk, H., Serret, V., & Khenissi, M. (2024). The environmental and social performance of firms and the impact of different types of institutional ownership: A French perspective. Research in International Business and Finance, 102558. [Impact factor: 6.3, H-Index:73]
  • Zine, Y., Benmouna, A., Becherif, M., & Hissel, D. (2024). Towards maximum efficiency of an open-cathode PEM fuel cell system: A comparative experimental demonstration. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 86, 72-85. [Impact Factor: 8.1, H-Index:263]
  • Schlegel, D.,Vitu, L., Gete, E. (2024). Dispositif de guidage linéaire. Brevet n° FR3141222 (A1), avril,
  • Schlegel, D. (2019). Mandrin de malaxage. Brevet n° 17 52860 délivré au BO de la PI n°19/51 le 20/12/2019.
  • Lee-Remond, S., Sagot, S., Ostrosi, E. (2024). A New Design Framework for Comprehensible Graphical User Interfaces for Parametric Computer-Aided Design Tools. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 22(2), 150-179, doi: [Impact Factor:1.38, H-Index:35]
  • Ahmed, A. A., Benmouna, A., Becherif, M., Hilairet, M., & Al-Sumaiti, A. S. (2024). New Interleaved-input Double Float-output DC/DC Converter Topology for Battery-Based EVs: Design, Modeling, Analysis and Experimental Implementation. IEEE Access. DOI: [Impact factor: 3.9, H-Index: 242]
  • Ballouk, H., Serret, V., & Khenissi, M. (2024), "Corporate social responsibility and executive compensation", 7th Edition of Ethical Finance and Sustainability Conference (EFS 2024), 16-17 May, University of Leeds, London, UK.
  • Ballouk, H., Belaid, S., Ben Jabeur, S., Fendri, Chamsa., (2024), "Firm families, Sustainabily and CSR: Bibliometric review and future directions", Global Family Business Summit, 14-17 May, Amalfi, Italy
  • Méhat, Y., Sagot, S., Ostrosi, E., Deuff, D. (2024), A Multi-Process System for Investigating Inclusive Design in User Interfaces for Low-Income Countries. Algorithms. 17(6):232. DOI: [Impact Factor: 2.3, H-index: 51]
  • Ballouk, H., Jabeu, S. B., Challita, S., Chen, C. (2024), Financial Stability: A Scientometric Analysis and Research Agenda. Research in International Business and Finance, 102294, DOI : [Impact factor: 6.5, H-Index: 63, FNEGE: 3, ABS: 2]
  • Benmouna, A., Borderiou, L., Becherif, M. (2024), "Charging stations for large scale electrical vehicles penetration", Batteries, 10, 33, DOI : [Impact Factor: 4, H-index: 37]
  • Nurdin, H. I., Benmouna, A., Zhu., B., Chen, J., Becherif, M., Hissel, D., Fletcher, J. (2024) "Maximum efficiency points of a proton-exchange membrane fuel celle sytem: Theory and experiments", Applied Energy, 359, ISSN 0306-2619, DOI : [Impact Factor: 11.2, H-index: 264]
  • Borderiou, L., Schlegel, D. (2023) Stawind/Powerbest Cie : Négocier en situation technique complexe et décideurs multiples, Cas pédagogique n°N0025 ; Centrale des Cas et Médias Pédagogiques, Collection CCMP
  • H. Ballouk, S. Belaid, S. Ben Jabeur (2023) "Plateformes digitales et innovation : analyse bibliométrique et pistes de recherche futures", Innovations, 2023/0 (Pub. anticipées), DOI : 10.3917/inno.pr2.0158. [FNEGE : 2]
  • S. Lee-Remond, D. Rasandratana, I. Kirilov (2023), "Using Legal Visualization to Teach Law to Business and Technology Students", Archives of Design Research, 36(4), 7-27, DOI :
  • Sagot, S., & Arfa, N. B. (2023). Enhancing Efficiency of Crowdfunding Campaign Financing: The Role of Search Engine Optimization and Social Media. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS), 14(1), pp. 1-24. [ABS:1]
  • M. Iqbal; A. Benmouna; F. Claude; M. Becherif (2023) "Efficient and reliable power conditioning stage for fuel cell based high power applications", Energies (ISSN 1996-1073) - [Impact Factor: 3,252; H-Index: 132]
  • Borderiou, L., Ben Arfa, N. (2023) "Hop Cripsy Crackers : Lancement d'une nouvelle gamme", Cas pédagogique n° D0015,  Centrale des Cas et Médias Pédagogiques, Collection CCMP
  • Iqbal M., Benmouna A., Becherif M., Mekhilef S. (2023), "Survey on Battery Technologies and Modelling Methods for Electric Vehicles", Batteries [Impact Factor : 5,938]

  • Saci, M., Benchouia, M. T., Golea, A., Benmouna, A., Iqbal, M., Becherif, M., Golea, N. (2023), "Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Logic Controller for DFIG Operating in the Stand-Alone Mode: Simulations and Experimental Investigation", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering [Impact Factor : 2,807]
  • Domenget, J.-C., Fruchard Muller, C., Sagot S., (2022). "L’hybridation de la formation au référencement Web à travers la plateforme numérique SEO-ELP", Colloque International TICEMED 13 :  Hybridation des formations : de la continuité à l’innovation pédagogique ? 17–18 Oct, Athènes, Grèce.
  • P. Lacom, S. Sagot (2022), “A Research Framework for B2B Green Marketing Innovation: the Design of Sustainable Websites”, IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), June 19-23, Nancy, France,
  • Ben Jabeur S., Ballouk H., Ben Arfi W., Sahut JM., (2023) “Artificial intelligence applications in fake review detection: Bibliometric analysis and future avenues for research”, Journal of Business Research, Volume 158, 113631, [FNEGE: 2, Impact Factor: 10,969, H-index: 217]
  • Ballouk, H., Ben Jabeur, S., Boubaker, S. et al. (2022) The effect of social media on bank performance: an fsQCA approach. Electron Commer Res (2022). [FNEGE : 4]
  • Bachir, Z., Haithem, B., Benmouna, A., Becherif, M., Mehroze, I. (2022) Experimentally Validated Coulomb Counting Method for Battery State of Charge Estimation Under Variable Current Profiles, Energies [Impact factor : 3.252, H-Index : 111]
  • Ballouk, H., Mefteh-Wali, S., Tabbah, G. & Ben Jabeur, S. (2022). Institutional Investors and Public Authority Ownership Impact on Green Bonds Issue: Evidence from France. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, [FNEGE : 2]
  • Akil, T., Yazbeck, J., El Hejraoui, A. & Moussaid, G. (2022) Impact de la presse numérique sur le consommateur à faible littératie numérique: Recherche exploratoire. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 315-316, 129-143. [FNEGE : 4]
  • M. Becherif, H.-S. Ramadan, A. Benmouna, S. Jemei (2022) "Initial state of charge estimation of battery using impedance measurement for electrical vehicle applications'', Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 53, Part C, 102727 [Impact factor : 7.632, H-index : 48]
  • Farhat-Toumi, N. B. , Ben Arfa, N., & Khemiri, R. (2022) "Monitoring of the Entrenchment of Managers through Board Characteristics: Insights from Gender Diversity", Background and Independence Director’s. In  (Ed.), Banking and Accounting Issues. IntechOpen.
  • Sid, M. N., Becherif, M., Aboubou, A., & Benmouna, A. (2022), "Power control techniques for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles: A comparative study", Computers & Electrical Engineering, 97, 107602 [Impact factor : 4.152, H-index : 73]
  • Boukattaya, S., Ftiti, Z., Ben Arfa, N., & Omri (2022), "A. Financial performance under board gender diversity: The mediating effect of corporate social practices", Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management[FNEGE : 3, Impact factor : 8.464, H-index : 82]
  • M. Iqbala, J. Laurenta, A. Benmouna, M. Becherif, H. S. Ramadand, F. Claude (2022) "Ageing-aware load following control for composite-cost optimal energy management of fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle", Energy, [Impact factor : 7,147, H-Index : 212]
  • Vacher, S. Ben Arfa, N. (2022), "Greet : Comment innover sur le marché du biscuit apéritif ?", Cas pédagogique n° G2064,  Centrale des Cas et Médias Pédagogiques, Collection CCMP
  • S. Sagot, E. Ostrosi, P. Lacom, (2021). "Computer-assisted culturalization process integration into product-website design", Journal of Industrial Information Integration. [Impact Factor: 15.70, H-Index: 42]
  • Husar, R., Dumas, T., Schlegel, M.L., Schlegel, D., Guillaumont, D., Solari, P.-L. & Moisy, P. (2021) "X-ray absorption spectroscopy and actinide electrochemistry: a setup dedicated to radioactive samples applied to neptunium chemistry", Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. [Impact Factor: 2.904, H-Index: 99]
  • M. N. Sid, M. Becherif, A. Aboubou, A. Benmouna (2021) "Power control techniques for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles: a comparative study", Computers and Electrical Engineering. [Impact Factor: 3.818, H-Index: 64]
  • D. Rasandratana (2021) « Essai d’une analyse économique de la notion de contrepartie en droit des contrats »,  Revue Trimestrielle de Droit commercial, janvier – mars 2021, p.1
  • JC. Domenget, S. Sagot, I. Atanassova (2020) "Concevoir un dispositif innovant pour professionnaliser la formation au référencement web: le projet SEO-ELP", ACFAS, Sherbrooke, Canada (Online)
  • E. Ostrosi, S. Sagot (2020) Modularity and Configuration Applied to Product Integrating the IoT Technology, 27th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2020), July 2020, Online.
  • S. Vacher (2020) « Comment entreprendre sur une industrie nouvelle », Cuir Marin de France
  • Ben Arfa N, Ammari A, Boussaada R., (2020) “New evidence on value creation through hedge fund activism: A qualitative comparative analysis”, Strategic Change, vol. 29, p. 681–690. [CNRS 4 / HCERES C]
  • S. Vacher, N. Ben Arfa, A. Ammari (2020) "A recipe for technological innovation: Does hedge fund activism matter? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis", Strategic Change, [CNRS: 4, HCERES: C]
  • David Bengio, Thomas Dumas, Sylvie Arpigny, Richard Husar, Eric Mendes, Pier-Lorenzo Solari, Michel L. Schlegel, Daniel Schlegel, Stéphane Pellet-Rostaing, Philippe Moisy (2020) Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Study of Eu(III) and Eu(II) coordination in the 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquid, Chemistry - A European Journal, [Impact Factor:5.23, H-Index:242]
  • P. Lacom, S. Sagot, JC. Sagot (2020) "Proposition of a Tool to Evaluate User-Driven-Innovation in a Manufacturing Company", 26th ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference, June 15-17, Cardiff, UK.
  • S. Sagot, L. Borderiou (2020) "La « culturalization » des sites Web, un enjeu pour les grandes marques horlogères", 36ème Congrès International de l'AFM, May 5-7, Biarritz, France.
  • Emmanuel Salomon, Marjorie Schmitt, Elisabeth Mouray, Alastair G. McEwen, Lotfi Bounaadja, Morgan Torchy, Pierre Poussin-Courmontagne, Sarah Alavi, Céline Tarnus, Jean Cavarelli, Isabelle Florent, Sébastien Albrecht, (2020) "Aminobenzosuberone derivatives as PfA-M1 inhibitors: Molecular recognition and antiplasmodial evaluation", Bioorganic Chemistry, [Impact Factor:3.926, H-Index:50]
  • Schneider-Störmann L., Röhr T., Jaskari R., Holopainen T., Reunanen T. (2020) “Enhanced Higher Education - Industry Cooperation Improving Work Capabilities of Sales Engineering Graduates”. In: Kantola J., Nazir S. (eds),B Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 961. Springer, Cham,,
  • Jaskari R, Holopainen T, Reunanen T., Grotjahn M., Röhr T., Schneider-Störmann L. (2020) “ENGINE Model – Changing Higher Education with Industry Cooperation“. In: Kantola J., Nazir S. (eds), Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 961. Springer, Cham,,
  • Röhr T. (2019) “The Role of Clusters in supporting French Automotive Industry’s Competitiveness and Innovation”, In: Bargende, M, Reuss, H-C, Wagner, A, Wiedemann, J (eds), 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium Automobil- und Motorentechnik, Springer, Stuttgart, Germany, ISBN 978-3-658-25939-6,
  • Holopainen T., Röhr T., Tómasson M., Murzin M., Ben-Amor M. (2019) “Sales Competition as Education Method – The Case of the European Sales Engineering Team Competition”. In: Kantola J.I., Nazir S., Barath T. (eds) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Society. AHFE 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 783. Springer, Cham.
  • S. Sagot, L. Borderiou (2019) "La « culturalization » des sites Web, un enjeu pour les grandes marques horlogères", JIMH 2019, December 4-5, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Best Paper Award)
  • D. Rasandratana (2019) "L'influence du droit de la consommation sur les décisions du chef d'entreprise", Petites affiches (Lextenso) - n°071 - page 10
  • G. Kotnarovsky, C. Lejeune (2018) "Comment impliquer les parties prenantes dans la transition énergétique ? Une approche séquentielle de contractualisations multilatérales", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (N° 127), pp. 59-80 [FNEGE: 3, CNRS: 4]
  • Boussaada, R., Ammari, A. and Ben Arfa, N., (2018) ''Board characteristics and MENA banks' credit risk: A fuzzy-set analysis", Economics Bulletin, Volume 38, Issue 4, pages 2284-2303, [CNRS: 3, HCERES: B]
  • S. Sagot, A-J. Fougères, E. Ostrosi (2018) "Collaborative engineering decision-making for building information channels and improving Web visibility of product manufacturers", Advanced Engineering Informatics, [Impact Factor: 8.80, H-Index: 99]
  • S. Sagot, E. Ostrosi, A-J. Fougères (2018) "Improving online visibility and information sharing through the culturalisation process of the product and website", 25th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE'2018), 2-6 July, Modena, Italy, 2018.
  • Lejeune, C.; Starkey, K.; Kalika, M. & Tempest, S. (2018) "The Impact of Business Schools: Increasing the Range of Strategic Choices", Management international, 1-11 [CNRS: 3, FNEGE :2]
  • E. Salomon, M. Schmitt, A. K. Marapaka, A. Stamogiannos, G. Revelant, C. Schmitt, S. Alavi, I. Florent, A. Addlagatta, E. Stratikos, C. Tarnus, S. Albrecht (2018) "Aminobenzosuberone scaffold as a modular chemical tool for the inhibition of therapeutically relevant M1 aminopeptidases", Molecules journal, [Impact Factor: 3.098, H-Index: 102]
  • D. Chamoret, N. Lebaal, A. Roman, D. Schlegel & C. Langlade, (2018) "Thermal aspects in friction stir process of AISI 316L: Numerical and experimental investigation", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, [Impact Factor: 2.645, H-Index: 37]
  • S. Vacher (2017) « Gouvernance des entreprises et développement durable : vers une création de valeur partagée ? » Colloque International Gouvernance, 29-30 avril 2017, Marrakech, Maroc.
  • S. Vacher (2017) "Industrial SMEs and commitment to sustainable development in the INSEE French Sustainable Development Survey 2011" International Conference on Responsible Organizations in Global Context, 16-17 juin 2017, Georgetown University Washington, DC, USA.
  • S. Vacher (2017) « L'engagement des PME industrielles manufacturières indépendantes françaises dans la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise et le développement durable. » Colloque International RIODD, 19-20 octobre 2017, Paris-Dauphine France.
  • S. Vacher (2017) « Adoption d'innovations technologiques et choix cornélien : durable ou rentable ? Le cas des PME industrielles manufacturières françaises. » Colloque International RIODD, 19-20 octobre 2017, Paris-Dauphine France.
  • Ben Arfa, N., Karmani, M. et Labaronne, D., (2017) "Antecedents of hedge fund activism in French listed target firms", Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 42, pp. 1315-1326. [H-Index: 27]
  • Röhr T., Rovigo M., (2017) “A public service approach to Car-Sharing in mid-size towns: The example of Belfort (France)”, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, [Impact Factor: 1.19, H-Index: 28]
  • Reunanen, T., Röhr, T., Holopainen, T., Schneider-Störmann, L., Görne, J. (2017) "On the basis of the sales engineering competences and education", In: Kantola J., Barath T., Nazir S. (eds) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 594. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 160-172),Springer, Cham,
  • Sagot S., Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2017) "Business Constraints Integration in a Search Engine Optimization Fuzzy Decision Support System", Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI’17), Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-26 July 2017.
  • Ben Hamida L., Lejeune C., (2017) “Knowledge transfer in multinational companies. Sharing multiple perspectives”, Editions L’Harmattan, janvier 2017, 204 pages.
  • Lebaal N., Chamoret D.,Schlegel D., Folea M., (2017) "Thermal Modelling of friction stir process 5FSP and identification parameters", Materials Physics and Mechanics 32, 14-20, [Impact Factor: 0,21, H-Index: 12]
  • Ben Arfa, Labaronne, D., (2016) "Activisme actionnarial des hedge funds : Une étude exploratoire au sein des entreprises françaises", Revue Française de Gestion, N° 254, pp.17-36, [CNRS: 4, FNEGE: 2, HCERES: A]
  • S. Vacher (2016) « La modélisation des déterminants de l’adoption d’innovations technologiques dans les PME industrielles françaises orientées RSE. » Colloque International sur l’Innovation RRI, 8-10 juin 2016, Cité de la Sciences Paris France.
  • S. Vacher, P. Mathieu (2016) « Perceptions, pratiques et discours « RSE » des dirigeants de PME. » Colloque International RIODD, 6-8 juillet 2016, Ecole des Mines Saint Etienne France.
  • Ben Arfa, N et Labaronne, D., (2016) « Activisme actionnarial des hedge funds : Une étude exploratoire au sein des entreprises françaises », Revue Française de Gestion, n° 254, pp.17-36, [H-Index: 15]
  • Langlade C., Roman A., Schlegel D., Gete E. & Folea M., (2016) "Formation of a Tribologically Transformed Surface (TTS) on AISI 1045 Steel by Friction Stir Processing", Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 31(12): 1565-1572, [Impact Factor: 2,66 , H-Index: 46]
  • Lejeune C., Vas A. (2016), “Changement identitaire et organisationnel radical au sein d’écoles de gestion françaises. Le role des processus d’accréditation internationale” (book chapter) in Draelants, H., Dumay, X., Les écoles et leur réputation. L’identité des établissements en context de marché, De Boeck, pp.125-144
  • Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2016), “Multiple Fuzzy Roles: Analysis of their Evolving in a Fuzzy Agent-Based Collaborative Design Platform”, in Computational Intelligence, K. Madani et al. (eds.), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Vol. 613, Chapter 12, p. 207-225.
  • Fougères A.-J., (2016) "From quantum cognition to quantum agents: illustration of the superposition state property", Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2016), Athens, Greece, December 6-9.
  • Fougères A.-J., (2016)  "Towards quantum agents: the superposition state property", Int. J. of Computer Science Issues, 13(5): 20-27.
  • Röhr T., Rovigo M, (2016) "Car-sharing in medium sized cities: The innovative example of Belfort (France)", 11th ITS Europe Congress, 6-9 June 2016, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni.
  • Sagot S., Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2016) "A multi-agent approach for building a fuzzy decision support system to assist the SEO process", Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (SMC’16), pp. 4001-4006, Budapest, Hungary, October 9-12.
  • Langlade C., Roman A., Schlegel D., Gete E., Folea M., (2016) "Friction stir process of B194 copper-beryllium alloy", 30th Int. Conf. on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT30), Milan, Italy, 29th June-1st July.
  • Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2016), "Agents-based discovering dynamic of interaction in CAD models", 11th Int. Symp. on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2016), Aix-en-Provence, France, May 9-13, 12p.
  • Lebaal N., Chamoret D., Schlegel D., and Folea M., (2016) "Thermal modelling of friction stir process (FSP) and identification parameters", 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy : Generation and Applications (ICREGA 2016), Belfort, France, February 8-10.
  • Revelant G., Al-Lakkis-Wehbe M., Schmitt M., Alavi S., Schmitt C., Roux L., Al-Masri M., Schifano-Faux N., Maiereanu C., Tarnus C., Albrecht S., (2015) "Exploring S1 plasticity and probing S1? subsite of mammalian aminopeptidase N/CD13 with highly potent and selective aminobenzosuberone inhibitors", Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23(13): 3192-3207. [Impact Factor: 2.88, H-Index: 136]
  • Choulier D., Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2015) "Developing multiagent systems for design activity analysis", CAD Computer Aided Design, 59: 201-213. [Impact Factor: 2.94, H-Index: 98]
  • Lejeune C., Schultz M., Vas A., (2015) "How does accreditation influence the dynamics of organizational identity for business schools?”, Management International, 19(3): 83-97. (IF: 0,929)
  • Alioui S., Chaibi A., Xiao B., (2015) "On the Impact of Firm Size on Risk and Return: Fresh Evidence from the American Stock Market over the Recent Years", Journal of Applied Business Research, [H-Index: 14]
  • Fougères A.-J., E. Ostrosi, (2015) "Agent-Based Intelligent CAD Modelling", Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara, 13(4), november, 2015, 13(4): 17-24.
  • Sagot S., Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2015), "Search Engine Optimization Process: A concurrent intelligent computing approach", 22nd ISPE Concurrent Engineering Conference (CE2015), July 20-23, Delft, The Netherlands. (Best paper awards).
  • Lejeune C., Schultz, M., Vas, A. (2015), "How does accreditation influence the dynamics of organizational identity for business schools?", Management International, 19(3): pp.83-97.
  • Lejeune C., Starkey, K., Kalika, M., Tempest, S. (2015), “The impact of business schools: conceptual framework and practices”, EFMD Higher Education Research Conference, 3-4 Juin 2015, Oxford, Royaume-Uni.
  • Stjepandi? J., Ostrosi E., Fougères A.-J., and Kurth M. (2015), « Modularity and supporting tools and methods », in Concurrent Engineering in the 21st Century: Foundations, Developments and Challenges, Edited by Josip Stjepandic, Nel Wognum, Wim J.C. Verhagen; Springer International Publishing Switzerland., ISBN: 978-3-319-13775-9, 978-3-319-13776-6 (e-book), p. 389-420.
  • Folea M., Roman A., Langlade C., Schlegel D., Gete E., Chamoret D., (2015), “Producing nanograin surface layers by friction stir processing”, in Comprehensive Guide for Nanocoatings Technology, Volume 1 : Deposition and Mechanism, Nova Publisher, Hauppauge NY 11788-3619, Etat-Unis d’Amérique, ISBN: 978-1-63482-447-7.
  • Röhr Thomas, Brahy N., (2015), "Les bus à pile à combustible", Journées Techniques Techni.Cités (groupe Moniteur), Paris, 21 mai 2015.
  • Caron M., Platz S., Pinon M., Elias G., Ostrosi E., et Fougères A.-J., (2015), "Business engineering design de la gare ferroviaire de Belfort : une ville dans la ville", Actes du 22e Colloque des Sciences de la Conception et de l’Innovation (CONFERE 2015), Lisbonne, Portugal, 9-10 juillet.
  • Sagot S., Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., Lacom P., (2014), "Search Engine Optimization: From Analysis based on an Engineering Meta-Model towards Integrative Approaches", The Int. Conf. on Information Society (i-Society 2014), November 10-12, London, UK.
  • Hea B., Ostrosi E., Pfaender F., Fougères A.-J., Choulier D., Bachimont B. and Tzen MZ, (2014),  « Intelligent Engineering Design of Complex City: a co-evolution model », 21th ISPE Int. Conf. on Concurrent Engineering (CE2014), September 8-10, Beijing, China.
  • Lejeune C., Kalika, M., Starkey, K. (2014),  “Discovering and developing research on business schools’ impact: towards a conceptual framework of causal effects”, EFMD Higher Education Research Conference, 15-16 Mai 2014, Stockholm, Suède.
  • Beroule B., Fougères A.-J., E. Ostrosi, (2014) « Agent-Based Product Configuration: towards Generalized Consensus Seeking », Int. J. of Computer Science Issues, 11(6): 1-8.
  • Lejeune C., Vas A. (2014), “Institutional pressure as a trigger for organizational identity change: the case of accreditation failure within seven European Business Schools” in Pettigrew et al., The institutional development of business schools, Oxford University Press, pp.95-125.
  • Lejeune C. (2014), “The impact of business schools”, 36ème Forum Annuel EAIR, 27-30 Août 2014, Essen, Allemagne.
  • Beroule B., Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2014), "Engineering change management through consensus seeking by fuzzy agents", The 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS14), November 10-12, Agadir, Morocco.
  • Alioui S., Xiao B., (2014) "Y-a-t-il un effet taille sur le marché français des actions ?", à paraître, 2014. 
  • Zhang ZF., Ostrosi E., Fougères A.-J., Bluntzer J.-B., Liu Y., Pfaender F., Tzen MZ., (2014), "City-Product Service System: a multi-scale intelligent engineering design approach", 21th ISPE Int. Conf. on Concurrent Engineering (CE2014), September 8-10, Beijing, China.
  • Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2013) "Fuzzy Agent-based Approach for Consensual Design Synthesis in Product Integrated Configuration", Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 20(3): 259-274, [H-Index: 34]
  • Fougères A.-J., (2013) "A Modelling Approach Based on Fuzzy Agents", Int. J. of Computer Science Issues, 9(6): 19-28.
  • De Roeck K., Maon F., Lejeune C., (2013) "Taking up the corporate branding challenge: an integrative model", European Management Review, 10: 137-151. [H-Index: 23]
  • Paulus O., Lejeune C. (2013),  “What do board members in art organizations do? A grounded theory approach”, Journal of Management and Governance, 13: 963-988, [H-Index: 41]
  • Ostrosi E., Pfaender F., Choulier D., Fougères A.-J., Tzen M.Z., (2013), "Describing the engineering modeling knowledge for complexity management in the design of complex city", 19th Int. Conf. on Engineering Design (ICED13), Seoul, Korea, 19-22 August.
  • Alioui S., Xiao B., (2013) "Size Effect and Economic Cycles: A Study on the French Stock Market", International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics (IRAFIE), 4(4)
  • Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2013),  "Analysis of Fuzzy Agents Interactions and Fuzzy Agents Roles in a Collaborative Design Platform", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2013), pp. 2735-2740, Manchester, UK, 13-16 October.
  • Fougères A.-J., Ostrosi E., (2013), "Behaviour of Fuzzy Agents within a Collaborative Design Platform", 5th Int. Joint Conf. On Computational Intelligence, pp. 241-248, Vilamoura, Portugal, 20-22 September.
  • Courvoisier, Borderiou, Charlesworth (2013) "B2B Marketing Strategies amongst supplier SMEs in the Swiss Watch", 6e Journées Internationales on Business Market Management, Bamberg.
  • Lejeune C., Grenier Godard J., (2013), “Everybody says it’s fine but nobody sees us: the influence of legitimacy on reputation and identity for hybrid organizations”, 29ème Colloque International du “European Group of Organizational Studies” (EGOS), 4-6 Juillet, Montréal, Canada.
  • Lejeune C., Vas A., (2013), “Institutional pressure as a trigger for organizational identity change: the case of accreditation failure within seven European Business Schools”, in Pettigrew, A., Cornuel E., Hommel U., The Institutional development of business schools, Oxford University Press.
  • Micaëlli J.-P., Coatanea E., Fougères A.-J., (2013), "From tables to diagrams: a possible way for tomorrow’s costing", EACE workshop, IAS Toulouse, 10-11 October.
  • Mouhot E., (2013), "Le droit international humanitaire coutumier : potentialité et paradoxe de la source coutumière", colloque des doctorants et jeunes docteurs de l’ED 101, Université de Strasbourg, mercredi 6 décembre 2013.
  • François Courvoisier, Laurence Borderiou (2012) “Which marketing strategy for watch sector’s SME ?”, Congrès des Tendances du Marketing, Venise
  • Lejeune C., Vas A. (2012),  "La capacité de dissémination des connaissances au sein des multinationales : le rôle des pratiques managériales", Gestion 2000, No.2, pp. 15-35.
  • François Courvoisier, Laurence Borderiou (2012) "Stratégies marketing pour PME sous-traitantes dans l’horlogerie", 28e congrès de l’AFM, Brest
  • Fougères A.-J., Canalda P., Samaali A., Ecarot T., and Guglielmetti L., (2012), "A push service for carpooling", Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. iThings, pp. 685-691, Besançon, November 20-23.
  • Laurence Borderiou (2009) “The Concept Engineering Method: a tool for collecting and processing the company's knowledge about its customers.”, 2nd European Workshop on B2B Marketing, Lyon.
  • Laurence Borderiou, A. Walser Luchesi (2007) "La CEM (Conception à l’Ecoute du Marché) : Expérimentations, limites méthodologiques et usages en marketing", Conférence Internationale sur les « Méthodes de recherche innovantes pour créer des connaissances valides et opérationnelles », Lyon

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